
CASA of Ohio Valley
Non-ProfitNon-Profit & Civic Organizations
About Us
CASA of Ohio Valley is a 501c3 Non-profit organization established in Daviess County in 1996.
CASA stands for Court Appointed Special Advocate.
A CASA volunteer Advocate is screened, trained and appointed by a judge to be another set of eyes and ears for the court in cases involving innocent child victims of abuse and neglect.
In an overworked and understaffed Social work and judicial system, having a caring, consistent adult CASA volunteer advocate gives the child victims of abuse and neglect a chance to thrive in a permanent, loving home.
The CASA of Ohio Valley program recruits, trains & supervises community volunteers appointed by the Court to represent the best interest of children. These volunteers come from every walk of life and donate their time to be a voice for the child. The CASA program uses National CASA Standards for training, and provides supervision for volunteers to report to the court what is in the best interest of the child victim. To find out more about becoming a CASA volunteer, or to help financially, please visit: www.casaofohiovalley.org
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